Saturday 23 May 2009

Boredom! And Annoyance!

I don't think that I can possibly be more annoyed right now. Seriously. I asked a friend of mine to take care of my Shaman's paid transfer (protip: Subscriptions don't cancel themselves, even when you don't play anymore), because I don't own a creditcard and WoW doesn't accept PayPal. Unlike the rest of the world.

Anyhow, I asked him to get everything ready on Tuesday. On Wednesday he said that his dad can't find his creditcard and that he just left. Okay. On Thursday he went MIA, only to reappear at eleven o'clock, which was too late for his dad to go look for it. Yesterday, he went MIA again, this time without any explaination. Maybe the local wildlife got him, killer flowerbulbs. Anyway, it's half a week now without my Shaman, three days longer than planned. And seriously, I don't know what I am more: bored or annoyed.

The reason that I don't play my Shaman on it's current server is twofold: I have a ton of history there and I don't feel like playing all by myself, while my friends are chilling on another server.

So I made a Death Knight on Wednesday, just to have something to do. After completing the startng questline (not as awesome as I'd have imagined) I went to Hellfire, just to do about 75 quests and level to 62. Then, because I hate Zangarmarsh, I just boosted a friend around low-level instances, dragged him through quests and so on.

But even that couldn't keep me away from the boredom, so I decided to get the Explore Kalimdor achievement. I ran through all of the area's, luckily only dying once of elite Green Dragonkin and only once because of Alliance guards. So, yeah, I was bored out of my skull.
And today? I don't know. Time will tell wether I will have to get very cross with someone on Monday or that I can spend a day and a half with my Shaman. Out of the 4.

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